Union for the Mediterranean 9 booths, 18 interpreters.

Younique Global Leadership Summit, 12 booths, 24 interpreters, 750 receivers

We had the privilege of providing our services at the breathtaking Champalimaud Research Center in Lisbon, Portugal for an event organized by the Union for the Mediterranean. Our team supplied 18 highly skilled interpreters, set up 9 interpreting booths, and distributed 200 receivers to the attendees. The event required three parallel interpreting systems to cater to multiple languages and ensure seamless communication. We have established a strong partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean, as they trust us to deliver exceptional simultaneous interpretation services for all their events and meetings.

These three days were incredibly intense due to the management of a large number of interpreters. To maintain the highest standards of quality, we had three on-site technicians and an interpreter coordinator dedicated to coordinating and overseeing the interpretation process.